Monday, 10 August 2015

February 2nd - The Day I Became a Mama

I suppose I should start by relating my motherhood story. It's nothing out of this world really, everything went fairly smoothly. I had my son on Sunday, 2nd February 2014 by elective C-section (he didn't engage and I had hit the 40-week mark) so we decided that C-section was the safest option. I have no deep beliefs in the natural vs. C-section war that some people insist on creating; as long as the baby comes out well and healthy then it's just a means to an end.

With a bit of calculation you know that my LO is now 18 months old (at time of writing) and is a fully fledged toddler (and all that comes with it). The running, the laughing, the whining, the throwing things around... I find that if I think 'it shows that he's healthy and developing nicely', it helps me to keep sane :)

In the year and a half that I've had the title of mother I found that the greatest 'lack' was a community of like-minded people who are in my same situation. I know other mothers obviously, and I got to meet new people too, but this was typically through weekly classes and activities that were paid for. So my scope behind this blog and Facebook page (don't forget to Like it!) was to meet even more new people and help others meet new people too if possible.

I hope that you'll join in (note that these are all Malta-based) and I love reading comments and feedback so please do take the time to leave me a note :)

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