Saturday, 12 September 2015

Different Types of Baby Poop

Poop - it's probably one of the most dreaded chores of any new parent, until you've changed so many nappies that it just becomes second nature and you would pick up poop with your bare hands if it means stopping the LO from touching it himself (or is that just me?)

However, no matter how many nappies you have changed there is always the 'what kind of poop is it?' surprise. So here's a handy visual guide (drawings not photos - though those do exist if you really want) that shows you the different types of poops that your baby may have. 

The ideal poops are 4 and 5 as they are the easiest to pass. Type 7 is too easy - poop should not be liquidy. Type 1 means constipation. In most cases a change in diet will sort out your baby's digestion but if you're concerned, it's always best to consult your doctor.

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