Monday, 5 October 2015

Second-hand clothes for kids

I recently bought my LO a huge bundle of clothes for €50 - a bargain! 

The only 'catch'? They're second-hand. 

Now I don't have a problem buying second-hand clothes for kids because they only wear them for 3/6/12 months at the most and then they simply grow out of them. Plus, with children's clothes being somewhat pricey added to the fact that they need so many changes - nursery, potty training, ice-cream, you name it - I honestly think that it just makes financial sense.

I've always gratefully accepted any clothes that were handed down to me and actively search the Facebook groups for good quality, good condition clothes at good prices. Some people price their items too high in my opinion - I think that items should be at least 70-80% less than what you originally paid for them. You're not going to get your money back anytime soon but you will get some money back, and you'll also get space back, which definitely starts lacking when children's stuff starts to take over the room.

How do you feel about buying second-hand clothes? What about other items like toys or accessories? Have you ever tried selling any of your LO's things? Were you successful?

I'd love to hear your opinion about this. I really think that we're lacking in this regard in Malta, and I wonder if it's due to social pressures.

Second hand clothes

This is a glimpse of the bundle that I bought

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