Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Google Santa Tracker

I had seen this in previous years but I forgot about it completely and came across it just by chance - the Google Santa Tracker!

Google have created a Santa village with games and other fun stuff and then on Christmas Eve Google Maps will be tracking Santa's sleigh as he travels all around the world delivering presents to the children - the ones that appear on his list of course ;)

Sunday, 13 December 2015

How rich is Santa Claus?

Can you believe that there are just 12 days left until Christmas? 

How's your Christmas shopping coming along? Or have you already finished? Or not yet started?!

I'm ready with Santa gifts (I think); I bought (what should be) the final one this morning so my LO will be receiving about 6-7 small gifts from Santa. I believe that Santa's gifts shouldn't be expensive because I can see why a child would be upset that Santa got him/her a 'doll/board game' but got his/her class friend a bicycle (for example). If there is only one Santa why is he discriminating between kids?

So Santa's presents are books, a game, a chocolate, a toy animal and an item of clothing. Nothing extravagant but all nice to have.

Presents from parents can then be the more extravagant ones because what the family can afford is an individual and personal thing. My LO is getting a large plastic fire truck, a set of wooden blocks, a football kit, and a hobby horse (hopefully, if it arrives). 

Do you have a system for present giving in your household?