Friday 10 February 2017

Parading Pushchairs

The 'mummy wars' is somewhat of an age-of-the-internet thing. Naturally, overbearing mothers have existed since time immemorial; however, the internet has a knack of blowing everything up onto a massive platform, dazzling us with blinding lights, and turning us into mind-numbing, head-nodding zombies.

And in it's own unique way, Malta, with its very small land mass, and oftentimes much smaller platform of expressing one's opinion, does that same thing. Every choice that one must make is suddenly magnified by WAOMD (What Are Other Mums Doing).

A case in point is when you come to buy your lightweight stroller to avoid lugging those heavy wheels around. Although I'm largely out of the pushchair stage now (except for when The Toddler is sleeping and I have places to go), I was never a Maclaren Mummy.

"You know Maclaren right? They're the best lightweight strollers around for (insert random reason here). But not the GDS53685 (they all have these fancy codes that makes them sound like you're actually going to race with them), because the GFY783760 is newer and better. It saved my life!" 

Let's make one thing clear. I'm have absolutely nothing against parents who own Maclaren strollers (why would I?) and I'm positive that these strollers are very good at performing their function - to carry your child. Like other strollers. I'm just not sure why it had to become a... thing!

In my case, I only ever saw one other person with a stroller like mine, and I felt that we had a bonding moment. In my mind. And I'm pretty sure that the other person didn't feel it, because it was the dad driving the stroller and I'm fairly certain that he doesn't partake in stroller stalking as an activity to see whom he can play Stroller Snap with.

Sunday 5 June 2016

Sunday Funday... or is it?

Sundays - day of rest, or day of 'what the heck are we going to do till bedtime?'?

I quite like Sundays especially when there are special events organised that are targeted to families and kids. I find that it adds structure to the day. Unfortunately with the weather getting warmer these events tend to dwindle.

And, to make things worse, with the weather getting warmer it also means that certain activities are, to a certain extent, out of the question.

Such as going to the swings.

I think it's ludicrous that there isn't a tent or some other option to provide shade so that the swings and park can be enjoyed during the summer months. They just get too hot for the kids to go on them and enjoy them - and it's too hot to stand around the park/sit on a bench.

And June is that maddening in-between season where the weather tends to go on a bender as though it cannot decide whether it wants to keep cool or warm up.

So we'll just have to wait until it's hot enough to actually go swimming (the sea is still rather chilly) - or is that just me?


Fellow bloggers... if you would like to be added to my blogroll, leave me a comment below and I'll check out your blog and if it's suitable for the blogroll then I'll surely add a link to your blog. If you link back that would be great :)

Please note that your blog would need to speak about children, parenting and that sort of thing.

Saturday 4 June 2016

Summertime with Kids - Love it or Hate it?

Summer's fast approaching once again - the season that most people love, and others just hate with a passion.

It's a season of sunshine and long days, tinged with a sense of freedom and that glorious smell of coconut suntan lotion. Or did this image stop once the kids came along?

As a child, summer basically meant a welcome break from school, albeit that we'd be terribly bored by mid-August. As an adult, those summer memories linger but perhaps the days aren't quite as carefree as one would like them to be, especially when you have children that need attention and entertainment.

I'm very grateful that my LO will be attending summer nursery this year because I know that he'll have lots of fun with friends, playing and learning with his peers able to have fun with water games and other activities that require outdoor space (sadly, something that is becoming a luxury in today's homes).

I myself had attended summer school when I was younger and I made new friends there, some of whom I'm still in contact with till this day.

What are your plans for the summer and how do you plan on keeping your LO entertained?

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Google Santa Tracker

I had seen this in previous years but I forgot about it completely and came across it just by chance - the Google Santa Tracker!

Google have created a Santa village with games and other fun stuff and then on Christmas Eve Google Maps will be tracking Santa's sleigh as he travels all around the world delivering presents to the children - the ones that appear on his list of course ;)

Sunday 13 December 2015

How rich is Santa Claus?

Can you believe that there are just 12 days left until Christmas? 

How's your Christmas shopping coming along? Or have you already finished? Or not yet started?!

I'm ready with Santa gifts (I think); I bought (what should be) the final one this morning so my LO will be receiving about 6-7 small gifts from Santa. I believe that Santa's gifts shouldn't be expensive because I can see why a child would be upset that Santa got him/her a 'doll/board game' but got his/her class friend a bicycle (for example). If there is only one Santa why is he discriminating between kids?

So Santa's presents are books, a game, a chocolate, a toy animal and an item of clothing. Nothing extravagant but all nice to have.

Presents from parents can then be the more extravagant ones because what the family can afford is an individual and personal thing. My LO is getting a large plastic fire truck, a set of wooden blocks, a football kit, and a hobby horse (hopefully, if it arrives). 

Do you have a system for present giving in your household?