Do you remember a time when your house was neat and tidy? Everything had a place and was actually in its place? When you could leave an unattended mug on the coffee table without a second thought?
It seems like a long time ago doesn't it?
Once LO was able to walk suddenly everything vanished from table tops and low shelves. Mugs are kept on the kitchen counter and the coffee table is always clear - except when he's standing on it! Hehe.
Everywhere you look there are brightly coloured items, most of which make noise, and no matter how much effort you put into keeping them contained in a specific area, they just seem to spread around the room... or is that just me?
Walking around is a bit of an obstacle course, especially in the evening when you have to be extra careful about moving anything because it might suddenly start playing 'Old Macdonald had a farm' to you... five minutes after you'd have put your LO to sleep.
This is what my living room looked like a few months ago. Not much has changed, except that the Jumperoo has a new home as LO outgrew it and the walker has been abandoned in the yard!
Toys threatening to take over the house
Does your living room look anything like this, or have you managed to retain your adult decor?