Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Google Santa Tracker

I had seen this in previous years but I forgot about it completely and came across it just by chance - the Google Santa Tracker!

Google have created a Santa village with games and other fun stuff and then on Christmas Eve Google Maps will be tracking Santa's sleigh as he travels all around the world delivering presents to the children - the ones that appear on his list of course ;)

Sunday, 13 December 2015

How rich is Santa Claus?

Can you believe that there are just 12 days left until Christmas? 

How's your Christmas shopping coming along? Or have you already finished? Or not yet started?!

I'm ready with Santa gifts (I think); I bought (what should be) the final one this morning so my LO will be receiving about 6-7 small gifts from Santa. I believe that Santa's gifts shouldn't be expensive because I can see why a child would be upset that Santa got him/her a 'doll/board game' but got his/her class friend a bicycle (for example). If there is only one Santa why is he discriminating between kids?

So Santa's presents are books, a game, a chocolate, a toy animal and an item of clothing. Nothing extravagant but all nice to have.

Presents from parents can then be the more extravagant ones because what the family can afford is an individual and personal thing. My LO is getting a large plastic fire truck, a set of wooden blocks, a football kit, and a hobby horse (hopefully, if it arrives). 

Do you have a system for present giving in your household? 

Monday, 9 November 2015

Christmas Recipes for Kids - Rudolph Pancakes

Because we're approaching Christmas (soon-ish) I thought that some Christmas-inspired recipes would be fun. And as we all know, with kids around, it's important to know about things early so that we can plan!

This recipe is super cute and requires only 20 minutes from beginning to table.

Rudolph Pancakes

Serves: 4 | Prep: 0:10 | Cook 0:10


  • 1 cup (250ml) milk
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 1 cup (150g) self-raising flour
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 4 rashers streaky bacon
  • 4 white marshmallows
  • 8 dark choc chips
  • 4 strawberries


  1. Make a basic pancake batter by whisking together milk and egg in a large bowl. 
  2. Sift over flour and whisk until smooth.
  3. Melt 2 teaspoons butter in a large frying pan. 
  4. Pour in batter to form one large circle, one smaller circle and two triangles for ears. Cook for a couple of minutes until bubbles form, flip and cook for a further minute until cooked through. Remove and keep warm. 
  5. Repeat with remaining ingredients.
  6. Cut bacon rashers in half and cook until crisp. 

To arrange Rudolph

  • Place the large pancake on a plate. 
  • Place smaller pancake on top. 
  • Position rashers for antlers and the triangular pancakes for ears. 
  • Decorate with marshmallow eyes and strawberry nose.
  • Cut marshmallows in half. Press a choc chip into the centre of each half.

(Source: http://www.kidspot.com.au/)

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Recipe - Banana Bread

I've decided to add Recipes as one of the pages that run across the top of this page because as parents we always need to provide food for our children, but, unless you're a Jamie Oliver in the kitchen, thinking about what to prepare for them, in ideally a short amount of time, can prove to be a challenge. 

I definitely 'suffer' from this, added to the fact that I don't particularly enjoy cooking because of the amount of time that it takes, any recipes that are quick and tasty get a thumbs up from me. 

I'm starting with a simple yummy one that can come in very useful when you suddenly realise that your bananas are losing their bright yellow colour (something that seems to happen all too often!)

Banana Bread


  • 2 bananas
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ cup milk
  • 50 grams softened butter
  • 1 ½ cups self-raising flour*
  • ½ cup plain flour*
  • ½ cup brown sugar*
  • Pinch of cinnamon (optional)


  1. Preheat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius
  2. Grease a baking tray/muffin tray
  3. Add all the dry ingredients* into a large bowl and mix well (you can use an electric mixer or do it by hand)
  4. Add the milk, eggs, butter and bananas to the above and mix together
  5. Place the mixture into the greased tray
  6. Cook for 40-45 minutes
That's it! It's really simple and makes for a great snack for all the family.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Stranger Danger?

I had a strange episode this morning that left me wondering whether there are any guidelines for such events and did I do the right thing?

I was at the grocery store with my LO who was in his pushchair and in his usual boisterous manner was saying Hi to everyone who walked in. He also waved at some people and at one point he reached out for a man's hand who very graciously took it and shook my LO's hand and smiled at him, but this is where things took a turn, the man got out his camera phone to take a photo of my LO and I, upon seeing that, took a step forward and politely, while smiling, asked him not to take photos. He seemed surprised but put his camera away without any issues.

A lady who saw the entire thing told me 'You did right. I'd have done the same thing.' I told her that I didn't know who the man was and although he might have been the nicest person on earth, I had no way of knowing, to which she agreed.

I'm very wary because I know that there is an Internet underworld and kids are their currency of choice. It might seem overdramatic and I'm quite certain that the man in question wasn't part of any shady organisation (he'd have been very brazen if he was!), but we're living in a world where you just can't take chances.

What's your opinion on the matter? Would you have allowed a stranger to take a photo of your LO?

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Places to take kids in Malta

Children need entertainment. They want to run around and have fun, play and explore, be free and be happy. So where can you go in Malta that is suitable for kids?

Here's a (non-exhaustive) list of places to take your children for a few hours of fun. Note that not all places are suitable for very young kids.

I haven't included places like 'the swings' because practically each town and village has a small play area available.

I'd love for this list to remain updated and hopefully get longer so please do email me with your suggestions and recommendations and if I think that they are suitable I'll definitely add them.

  • The President's Kitchen Garden - St. Anthony Street
  • San Anton Gardens
Bahar ic-Caghaq
  • Splash & Fun Water Park (open beginning May - beginning October)
  • Mediterraneo Marine Park
  • Playmobil Funpark - Industrial Estate, Hal Far
  • Quattro Play Kids Cafe - Gifen Street
  • Malta Bugibba Water Park - Promenade (summer only)
  • Bird Park Malta - Triq l-Imdawra

  • Jumperoo - Gallarija Shopping Complex

  • Sant Antnin Family Park
  • Popeye Village - Anchor Bay
  • Ludi Recreation Centre - Eucharistic Congress Street
  • Malta National Aquarium
St Julians/Paceville
  • Eden Superbowl - St George's Bay
  • Funland - St George's Street
Ta' Qali
  • BoV Adventure Park
  • Ta' Qali National Park
  • Petting Farm
Bugibba Water Park

Please feel free to email me with other places - none of these are paid listings.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Second-hand clothes for kids

I recently bought my LO a huge bundle of clothes for €50 - a bargain! 

The only 'catch'? They're second-hand. 

Now I don't have a problem buying second-hand clothes for kids because they only wear them for 3/6/12 months at the most and then they simply grow out of them. Plus, with children's clothes being somewhat pricey added to the fact that they need so many changes - nursery, potty training, ice-cream, you name it - I honestly think that it just makes financial sense.

I've always gratefully accepted any clothes that were handed down to me and actively search the Facebook groups for good quality, good condition clothes at good prices. Some people price their items too high in my opinion - I think that items should be at least 70-80% less than what you originally paid for them. You're not going to get your money back anytime soon but you will get some money back, and you'll also get space back, which definitely starts lacking when children's stuff starts to take over the room.

How do you feel about buying second-hand clothes? What about other items like toys or accessories? Have you ever tried selling any of your LO's things? Were you successful?

I'd love to hear your opinion about this. I really think that we're lacking in this regard in Malta, and I wonder if it's due to social pressures.

Second hand clothes

This is a glimpse of the bundle that I bought

Monday, 28 September 2015

Review - Maltamum Party at Quattro, Bugibba

On Saturday I took my LO to the Maltamum party which was being held at Quattro in Bugibba. I was curious about going to Quattro because I had seen its Facebook page and it looked very inviting... and I am pleased to say that it really was. 

It took me a while to find because I don't know my way around Bugibba very well, but then I realised just how easy it really is (it's round the corner from the cinema, effectively) and I was pleasantly surprised at how much parking there was. 

Upon entering the place the first thing you see are jars of old-fashioned sweets - yum! There's a colourful bar area with seating available, and there are also a couple of tables al fresco, but the main attraction lies towards the back of the establishment where there is a large soft play area that is divided into two sections - one is for toddlers and the other is for the slightly older kids. Having said that, the kids tend to mix in each section and it's all very safe. 

Should your toddler venture into the 'older kids' area just keep an eye out for the other kids because they can be rough. Case in point, I saw a boy who pushed my LO down the slide! Thankfully he slid down easily and wasn't at all bothered, but I was, because I saw it happen and saw that the boy did it purposely (Grrr!) Thankfully it was the only incident in the two hours that I was there, and there were quite a few children around so I think that counts as successful :)

The soft play area at Quattro, Bugibba (Malta)
You will need socks for your LO and yourself if you do go into the soft play area. I didn't know this when I went but Quattro are well prepared for this eventuality and sell both baby and adult socks for €1 a pair.

The staff at Quattro are very helpful and friendly which is always such a relief, and they have a very decent menu with plenty of food options that kids will like, and at reasonable prices. With regard to the pricing for playtime, because this was a Maltamum party, entrance was free, but I will definitely go back and then I'll be able to tell you more about that. 

The party in itself was fun and well organised and I think that Quattro was the ideal place for that kind of event. The goody bag at the end was a very sweet touch - literally - as it was a bag of smarties and candy. I'm not too sure how I'd have felt about that had my LO been older and able to 'appreciate' the goodies. It seemed like the ideal set-up for a sugar rush from hell vs. a tantrum from hell if you try to take them away. Thankfully I was able to avoid that by giving him one single marshmallow and then putting the bag away without any reaction. 

Thank you to Elisaveta from Maltamum for the lovely party and I look forward to going to Quattro again for some more fun play!

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Review - Ludi

I think it's fairly obvious that there aren't all that many child-friendly places to go to in Malta so when something new opens there are high expectations.

Ludi Logo
I found out about Ludi via Facebook and the photos look promising so I thought that I'd see what it's all about. Gathered a couple of friends and off we went to Ludi in Mosta which describes itself as "Not just a bookshop, but a fun and creative space to learn and to be."

I think that it definitely has the potential to be that but it's not quite there yet.

Here are the pros and cons*

  • The first impressions are good as the place is large and there are beautiful artworks and murals everywhere - you can tell that a lot of time and effort was put into making the place look special and appealing to kids.
  • The space is very inviting and can take a fair amount of children without getting too crowded. 
  • There is a lovely selection of books in both English and Maltese are available for sale, although I wasn't quite sure whether any were 'samples' as they were all at kid's level allowing them all to be touched by little fingers.
  • Also, a great selection of toys - most of them wooden - and suitable for various ages. 
  • The 'play area' has a padded flooring which is always welcome for the little ones and appears to be very clean.
  • There is a lovely nappy-changing area which is private, yet still within the room, and which is clean and equipped with the basic necessities.
  • It is possible to sit down and have a drink and a chat while your child plays safely - and I think that is the ultimate requirement of all parents.
  • The staff are very friendly and helpful and very good at interacting with the kids.

  • There's no air-conditioning so it can get a bit stuffy although there is a back yard which allows air to circulate.
  • Children aren't allowed in the backyard, yet the door is open and there is no gate to prevent them from going outside (so you might spend most of your time acting as a goalkeeper to keep your little one indoors).
  • The menu focuses on being healthy which appears to be a lifestyle choice of the owners and that's fine, but unfortunately none of the things that we ordered were actually very tasty. The cappuccino was a basic coffee, the tea was Early Grey (as opposed to regular English Breakfast) which is a very particular taste and sadly the cake was bland (not even the kids ate it). Considering that it's part of the 'price package' I think that this definitely needs some sprucing up.

Star rating: 3.5-4/5 (it really does hover between a 3.5 and a 4)

Conclusion: Overall I did like the place and I will definitely go back

* this is completely my own opinion based on my experience and should not prevent you from going to the place and trying it out for yourself

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Different Types of Baby Poop

Poop - it's probably one of the most dreaded chores of any new parent, until you've changed so many nappies that it just becomes second nature and you would pick up poop with your bare hands if it means stopping the LO from touching it himself (or is that just me?)

However, no matter how many nappies you have changed there is always the 'what kind of poop is it?' surprise. So here's a handy visual guide (drawings not photos - though those do exist if you really want) that shows you the different types of poops that your baby may have. 

The ideal poops are 4 and 5 as they are the easiest to pass. Type 7 is too easy - poop should not be liquidy. Type 1 means constipation. In most cases a change in diet will sort out your baby's digestion but if you're concerned, it's always best to consult your doctor.

Monday, 24 August 2015

Where's my house gone?

Do you remember a time when your house was neat and tidy? Everything had a place and was actually in its place? When you could leave an unattended mug on the coffee table without a second thought?

It seems like a long time ago doesn't it?

Once LO was able to walk suddenly everything vanished from table tops and low shelves. Mugs are kept on the kitchen counter and the coffee table is always clear - except when he's standing on it! Hehe.

Everywhere you look there are brightly coloured items, most of which make noise, and no matter how much effort you put into keeping them contained in a specific area, they just seem to spread around the room... or is that just me?

Walking around is a bit of an obstacle course, especially in the evening when you have to be extra careful about moving anything because it might suddenly start playing 'Old Macdonald had a farm' to you... five minutes after you'd have put your LO to sleep.

This is what my living room looked like a few months ago. Not much has changed, except that the Jumperoo has a new home as LO outgrew it and the walker has been abandoned in the yard!

Toys threatening to take over the house

Does your living room look anything like this, or have you managed to retain your adult decor?

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Job of a Lifetime

Do you agree with this? I definitely think that it's true, especially when kids are very young and they need most things done for them. And sometimes there are several instances of closing and opening eyes throughout the night - just to add fuel to the fire! Parenting is a never-ending job, and I only realised this once I became a parent. Just because I'm an adult I now realise that my parents never stopped 'being parents' and worrying (and caring) - because it becomes part of you. 

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Pharmacies in Malta & Gozo

Here you can find an updated, comprehensive list of all the pharmacies in Malta and Gozo including their contact number. Most pharmacies in Malta and Gozo are open from Monday-Friday 09:00 to 13:00 and from 16:00-19:00 and on Saturday from 09:00-12:00, nevertheless this may change slightly from pharmacy to pharmacy. On Sundays and Public Holidays the pharmacies work on a roster basis.

The list below highlights those pharmacies that stay open later than regular opening hours. If you know of others that should be added to this list, please contact me with details.

Pharmacies that stay open late
  • Airport Pharmacy (Luqa) - Tel: 23696349
  • Castle Pharmacy (Gozo) - Tel: 21556970
  • Mater Dei Hospital Pharmacy (Msida) - Tel: 25456535
  • Medicaid Pharmacy & Opticians (Gudja) - Tel: 21676294/27676294
  • Thomas Pharmacy (Hamrun) - Tel: 21238018

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Baby's on the Way!

By your 30th week of pregnancy you want to have most things ready for the arrival of your precious bundle, for two reasons mainly:

  1. Baby might decide to show up early and you really don't need to add not being prepared to that shock
  2. The bigger and heavier you get, the more tired you're likely to be and the less inclined to actually do much (especially if the temperatures are either very hot or very cold).
Hospital Bag

This is based on the lists that are given but I also give my recommendations from personal experience. Don't pack everything in one bag as it's easier to unpack one bag at a time and hospital staff might need to get you some things too so you can point them to the correct bag. Also a bag on wheels is ideal to avoid having to carry anything.

Things you'll need before the baby arrives
  • Medical records (your blue chart)
  • Two cotton nightdresses - short sleeves are best and with a front opening for breast feeding purposes
  • Slippers/socks - the slip on type are the best in case you suffer from swollen feet. Slipper socks would be ideal
  • Toiletries - hairbrush, toothbrush & toothpaste; facial wipes; shower gel; shampoo & conditioner - for certain items you might want to get the travel sized bottles or even samples to avoid extra weight
  • Entertainment e.g. headphones which you can plug into the hospital TV and any other electronic device that you enjoy; magazines; a good book that you truly enjoy; your phone - and any chargers!
  • Snacks - stock up on anything that you enjoy. This is your time to 'indulge' (always moderately), but do ensure that you have food to nibble on. And plenty of water.
Things you'll need after you've given birth

  • Maternity pads - don't skimp on these. You will be using them for a while...
  • Nursing bras - two is enough. You'll stain them both.
  • Disposable underwear - don't buy fancy brands. The hospital shop sells them at about €1 each and you're better off spending €10 and buying 10 pieces
  • Breast pads - to minimise the aforementioned staining
  • Nipple cream - yes you will need it. You might also want to buy nipple guards just in case and be prepared
  • Breastfeeding pillow - necessary if you are planning to bf, so that the nurses can show you how to position the baby
  • Comfortable (but nice) clothes to go home in. And note that you might need to wear open shoes (even in winter) if you suffered from water retention post-birth.
  • Some extras you might want are make-up and hair straighteners/hairdryer - this all depends on how comfortable you are at being seen au natural by your visitors.
  • Laundry bag - basically just a bag for you to put the dirties in to give to your partner/parent/friend to take with them so that you won't have extra things to carry when you come to leave hospital
For the baby
  • Cotton wool
  • Baby wipes
  • Newborn-sized nappies x 2 packets
  • Nappy rash cream
  • Babygros - size 0-1 month or 0-3 months - if scans show that the baby is big don't bother buying any 0-1 month clothes
  • Vests - sizes as above
  • Socks
  • Mitts
  • Hat
  • Baby blanket x 2 - one to cover and one to lay the baby on. They might tell you to take a towel but a soft blanket is much nicer
  • Muslin squares - buy a packet; they're never extra
  • Bottle and formula - if you're not planning on breastfeeding
  • Outfit to go home in - babygro, mitts, hat, blanket - you can re-use what you used previously but be aware of staining incidents
And you'll obviously need a car seat to take the baby home. Don't take that with you to the hospital beforehand though (you have enough to carry). Just ask whoever is calling for you to bring it with them. 

A Parent's Love

Isn't this just beautiful? I had shared it on Facebook a while back and as I was going through some photos I came across it again and thought that it was very appropriate to post here - especially as one of the first posts.

I now truly believe that a parent's love for their child knows no limits - and never fades, no matter the age of the child or the parent. I think that we will always worry about our children and it makes me realise, as someone's child, that they are always worrying about me (regardless of the fact that I'm an adult). The parent-child relationship knows no time.

What are your thoughts on the quote?

Monday, 10 August 2015

February 2nd - The Day I Became a Mama

I suppose I should start by relating my motherhood story. It's nothing out of this world really, everything went fairly smoothly. I had my son on Sunday, 2nd February 2014 by elective C-section (he didn't engage and I had hit the 40-week mark) so we decided that C-section was the safest option. I have no deep beliefs in the natural vs. C-section war that some people insist on creating; as long as the baby comes out well and healthy then it's just a means to an end.

With a bit of calculation you know that my LO is now 18 months old (at time of writing) and is a fully fledged toddler (and all that comes with it). The running, the laughing, the whining, the throwing things around... I find that if I think 'it shows that he's healthy and developing nicely', it helps me to keep sane :)

In the year and a half that I've had the title of mother I found that the greatest 'lack' was a community of like-minded people who are in my same situation. I know other mothers obviously, and I got to meet new people too, but this was typically through weekly classes and activities that were paid for. So my scope behind this blog and Facebook page (don't forget to Like it!) was to meet even more new people and help others meet new people too if possible.

I hope that you'll join in (note that these are all Malta-based) and I love reading comments and feedback so please do take the time to leave me a note :)